Tuesday 18 July 2023

What is Your Tale of Two Cities in Life? Tuesday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time

For the times we have failed to recognize your mighty works in us, Lord, have mercy...
For the time we have failed to recognize your mighty works around us, Christ, have mercy...
In so doing, for the times we have failed to respond to you in repentance, Lord, have mercy...

Reading 1, Exodus 2:1-15
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34
Gospel, Matthew 11:20-24

What is Your Tale of Two Cities in Life? 

Perhaps we all have read the historical novel, "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, first published in 1859. Set in both London and Paris before and during the French Revolution, the novel tells us the story of various characters whose lives are intertwined during this tumultuous period in history by delving into themes of sacrifice, resurrection, and the struggle for justice and redemption.

Likewise, in today's gospel text, our lord has 'A tale', "A tale of two cities". And he makes explicit reference to 6 cities apparently divided into two distinct groups…

On the one hand, there are three of them, namely Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum which were blessed to have had the experience of the presence of the Son of God among them. These ancient cities have witnessed the mighty deeds of Christ, they had witnessed His miracles, and His compassion, and heard His teachings that offered hope, healing, and salvation.

On the other hand, there are the other three cities, namely Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom which were notorious for their wickedness and which have not had the experience of the mighty power of the Son of Man through his miracles, teaching, preaching, and healing…

However, even though one group has had the experience of the mighty works of Christ and the other group was devoid of it, these two camps become one in one aspect…that is, in terms of their unresponsiveness and unrepentance...And for our lord, it was worse for the first camp, because despite these divine manifestations, those cities remained unresponsive and unrepentant.

And that wasn't so tolerated by our Lord… And he was compelled to pronounce his woes against these cities…

The message for us today is just as relevant as it was for those ancient cities. Jesus' words challenge us to examine our own hearts and attitudes toward Him. It is because these two types of cities are in us and are still operative in and around us… These two groups of cities are still at war within and outside of us…

Are we truly responsive to His working power in and around us? Are we open to repentance and transformation, or are we complacent and indifferent to His teachings?

Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities" begins with the famous opening line, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

Having had the experience of Christ in his living Word, having experienced his mighty deeds in and around us in our lives, therefore, let us ask ourselves, what would be the city that I want to belong more from today?

And in responding to that belonging, how would I begin my tale of two cities in and around me? Will I begin by saying, "It was the worst of times?” or will I begin by saying “It was the best of times"?

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