Monday 24 June 2024

In Loving Memory of Fr. Arun de Souza, SJ, My Sociology Professor at St. Xavier's College, Mumbai...

From my college days, fond memories remain,
Fr. Arun de Souza, SJ, what an exemplary Jesuit was he.
Through education, he forged his aim,
To touch the poor and fight the injustices that plagued society’s frame.
His passion for teaching burned ardent and bright,
With disciplines absolute and a drive for what’s right.
In his classroom, equality was the golden thread,
As he paid each student an attention impossible not to dread.
Stern in the look and voice low and deep,
Yet fair and kind, and in his watch, no student could sleep.
Behind that face, his wit would often arise,
And his uncanny smile indeed softened the hardest of eyes.
With a depth that made complex thoughts clear,
He taught with simplicity, earning respect and cheer.
His decorum was a model, his life a guide,
A fashion of virtue, difficult to hide.
Today, as the news of his death hits, I recall with a tear,
“Fr. Arun”, as he was popularly known, our professor dear.
His signature moustache, shirt tucked with pride, 
Saddle slippers on feet, and the cotton Jola by his side.
At St. Xavier’s College Mumbai, our paths first aligned,
Later learning him to be the College’s Rector made me satisfied.
From there he was made the BOM Jesuit Provincial, a rare story told,
With a gentle glow, I am certain, he led the Jesuit legacy bold.
It was then he wrote: “Rashmi, for meetings, to your city I’ll fly,
In Feb, I hope, our paths might cross by.”
How I wish our meeting had come to pass,
As I now wait to see him after this journey of life at last.

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