Saturday 21 July 2018

A Precious Bud Nipped Before It Is Fully Bloomed

A Precious Bud Nipped Before It Is Fully Bloomed

 The journey that we walked together for the past 14 years doesn’t seem to have been far away. I remember, sitting on the floor of the Noviciate Chapel, making that life-revealing meditation, ‘Meditation on Death’. It helped us that day to imagine the types of people, their strata, and what they would say and do at our own funerals. Terrifying as it would seem, it indeed helped us that day to change our vision about life. But! But! But! Who on earth did think that day that the meditation would become so real to us so soon. Just 10 months into the Priesthood, the ‘Madampe Punchi Swami’ as the parishioners affectionately addressed him, Rev. Fr. Nilan Prasanga Fernando, S.J., was taken abruptly to the Lord on the 12th of July 2018 when he was only 35 years of age. 

Born to Mr. Antony Kingsley Fernando and Mrs.Maklet Tecla Fernando on 31st May 1983 in Negombo, Rev. Fr. Nilan Prasanga Fernando, S.J. is the second of three children – two brothers and a sister. As a child, he grew up around Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Kudapaduwa, a sub-station of St. Sebastian parish, Sea Street, Negombo. Having started his initial education at Loyola College, Negombo (1st Grade), he eventually joined St. Mary’s College, Negombo where he completed his G.C.E. O/L and A/L examinations.

In the year 2005, he entered ‘Daham Sihila’, the Novitiate of the Society of Jesus at Dalugama, Kelaniya, and pronounced his first vows as a Jesuit in 2007. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Visual Communication from Loyola College, Chennai, and a master’s degree in Philosophy from Satya Nilayam, the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy, in Chennai, India. In 2015, he was sent to London for theological studies at Heythrop College. He, together with seven other companions, was ordained deacon by His Lordship Nicholas Hudson, the Auxiliary Bishop of Westminister, on 25th February 2017 at St. Ignatius Church, Stamford Hill, London. He, together with me, was ordained presbyter by His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Cletus Chandrasiri (O.S.B), the Bishop of Ratnapura, on 2nd September 2017 at Saint Mary’s Church, Grand Street, Negombo. The very next day, he offered his first thanksgiving Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Kudapaduwa, Negombo. Since then, he was the Assistant Parish Priest at St. Sebastian Church Madampe, Chilaw, where he also served as a Deacon. 

In fact, the last three days of Fr. Nilan Fernando on earth were quite different as they were very painful to his beloved parents, brother, sister, the Jesuits, and many others. In the crowd gathered at his funeral, there was indeed a marked peculiarity. Persons known to him as such were not many among those who came to pay him homage. Among those who did come were infants, children, youth, and the elderly. This reminded me of Jesus’ word: “Let the Children come to me” (Mt. 19: 14). If Fr. Nilan could draw such a huge crowd that tells us how big a heart he had.

As his companion in formation, I found in Fr. Nilan a true friend, a brother, a companion, and a priest so genuine and so spotless. Genuine, because he had no politically correct answers. He spoke his heart out and was never ashamed to accept things as they are. He was spotless because his heart was pure; quick in forgetting hurts and so full of laughter.

Like a child, he had a special love for children. I remember how he got little children to draw pictures (there were some left in his coffin, tokens of love for their beloved Punchi Swami. He equally loved wildlife, plants, and animals. When he had come to Hingurakgoda on 28th June to preach the first day’s novena in view of the Annual feast of Corpus Christi, he taught me how a bonsai is made, a leisure time activity of his in the Parish. His favorite TV channels were National Geography and Animal Planet.  As a matter of fact, he had other hobbies like catching snakes to amuse himself. I remember once during our theology days when we met in France and while visiting a zoo how he took great pleasure in educating me about some rare animal species which I saw for the first time in my life. As an artist, he loved to make toy elephants and other favorite animals out of paper pulp to make gifts of them to his loved ones who now treasure them as precious souvenirs. In his room at Madampe, Fr. Nilan had a water tank, and in it were ‘companions’ he loved: a big fish, a tortoise, and a prawn.

The sudden departure of such a loving companion is too big a cross to bear. Nevertheless, God’s ways are mysterious, and may His will be done! Hence, with Job, our prayer will be: “The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). We remember the promise: “In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am (John 14: 2-3). Don’t we always pluck the best flowers to offer them at the altar? If so, Fr. Nilan is a precious bud nipped before it fully bloomed. May Our Lord welcome our beloved brother, Nilan, to our heavenly abode with His words: “Well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord(Mt. 25: 21)”. 

May God’s Faithful Servant Rest in Peace! 


His friend, brother, & companion,

Rev. Fr. Rashmi M. Fernando, S.J.

Parish Priest, 

Christ the King Church, 


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