Sunday 13 November 2011

A skit to perform on Children’s Day

It consists of 2 scenes. Scene 1 is about two children preparing to go to school. Scene 2 is a general classroom, class teacher, students, and parents waiting outside the class

Class Teacher
4 Students (naughty, funny, sweetie, grumpy)
4 Mothers

Scene 1:
[Student 1 (the naughty one) and Mother 1 on the stage, getting ready to go to school, at home]

Mom 1:  Son, do you know what day is today?

Son 1: Aaaaaaaa! (Pause and think) Today is the Restlemania. Today is John Zena’s day. Today John Zena will come and fight Rey Mysterio dushung, dushung, dushung! (will show the fighting action with hands)

Mom 1: (after watching the son in dismay and thought) What? Mania? I will throw that TV out. Otherwise, I will have to take you to the asylum, and not to the school. Come let’s go..It’s already late to School.
[Both of them exit, and from the other side Mom 2 appears, son 2 (the funny one) is behind the curtain]  

Mom 2: Son, are you ready?

Son 2: I don’t

Mom 2: ‘I don’t’ nahi beta, ‘I can’t’

Son 2: Thank you Mommy! I can’t 

Mom 2: (To the audience) We can’t correct today’s children. (To Son) It’s already late…hurry up!! You want to wait outside the class room by going late?
(Son 2 appears crying)

Son 2: No mommy!! I Can’t! (Then pauses, stops crying, twisting the body says) But….. if you promise that you will give me a chocolate, then I’ll go………promise?

Mom 2: Ok ok…come now! (Drags the son and exits)

Scene 2:
(At one end of the stage, a class room, and on the other, mothers awaiting their children’s return after school)

Class Teacher: Good Morning Children!

All Children: (Each in his own style) Good Morning Teacher!

Class Teacher: What is today?

All Children: Today is Monday, 14th of November, 2011

Class Teacher: Very Good! And what day is today?

All Children: (In the same tone and style as previous) Today is Monday, 14th of November, 2011

Class Teacher: (Frustrated, yet calm) Today……

Student 3: (she is interrupted by the sweet and good student) Teacher! Home work!

Class Teacher: (Forgetting what she wanted to say) Oh! Homework about the places around the world? How many of you had done it? Raise your hand! (All except student 4 put their hand up)

Student 4: (The Grumpy one, gets up and interrupts the teacher) Teacher….(Shows his small finger)

Class Teacher: Not now! Sit Down! (sees the students have their hands up) Ok students. Tell me what places in the world are these…. (Students are eager to answer). UP?

Student 3: Uttar Pradesh

Class Teacher: Very Good! MP?              

Student 1: Madhya Pradesh

Class teacher: Very Good! UK?

Student 3: Uttar Kerala

Class Teacher: (Fighting her laughter and dismay) What? Wrong Answer! Who knows it right? (looks around) You? (points out to the good student- Student 3)
Student 3: United Kingdom.

Class Teacher: Very Good! It is the right answer! For that you deserve a sabash card. Here take this. (and gives a way a card)

Student 2: (Rebels against the answer and cries out to Mommy) Mommy! Mommy! He don’t know, she too don’t know! (and runs out to Mom 2, and mom 2 come to the front, and both meet in the centre of the stage)

Mom 2: ‘He, she, it don’t’ nahi beta, ‘he doesn’t’, ‘she doesn’t’, and it doesn’t.

Student 2: Thank You mommy! (And starts winning again) He doesn’t know! She doesn’t know! It doesn’t know

Mom 2: Doesn’t know what?

Student 2: Mommy, if UP is Uttar Predesh, MP is Madhya Pradesh, UK should be Uttar Kerala na?

Mom 2: (To the audience) Today’s children are far advanced. (And to the son) You are right son! He is also right!

Son 2: Teacher?

Mom 2: She is also right! (at the end of it they hear the teachers voice, calling out for student 2)

Class Teacher: Take this Sabash Card! And you too! (and gives out to all, and says to them and the audience) You know children, today is your day. Today is World’s Children’s Day. Children like you are the future of this world. No matter what you are, how sweet, grumpy, naughty, and cranky you are, you are precious in the Eyes of God. For God, every child is special, and every child is Unique. So we have a reason to celebrate today, right?

Student 4: Teacher, I want to join the choir!

Class Teacher: Very Good! Let’s all join and sing, because we have a reason to celebrate.

All Students: (stand up in one line, puts their hands on one another’s shoulders, and march singing…..) We are jolly good fellows,
                We are jolly good fellows,
                We are jolly good fellows,
                B’cos God Loves us.
                God loves us //
                We are jolly good fellows……. (Exit)         

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